Alexandru Tusinean (VII B):
The European Day of Languages
Was very nice
and now, I'm rolling dice
while I'm scared by some mice.
Balint Edwin (VII B):
I want to talk
But I need to walk
I want a lime
But I don't have time
I want to see
A beautiful bee.
Toncean Oana (VII B):
Today we celebrate
The European Day of Languages
It is great!
And if you can manage,
Learn a new language!
Georgescu Radu (VII B):
I want to squeeze a lime
But I don't have much time
To bake a little cake
Because I'm not fake.
Toth Szilard (VII B):
Yesterday I got a package
And there was also a message
It said "Make yourself a luggage,
Because you'll speak the English language."
Hancu Nectarie (VII B):
For my parents' marriage
I managed to make a package
It is full of fruits
And some orange juice.
Pavel Darius (VII B):
It's the European Day of Languages
How can I manage
I need a lot of knowledge
I need a lot of courage
To learn a new language.
Adrian Pamfilie (VII C):
The flood makes damage
This is a bad message
People run
Towards the sun
That is not fun.
Dobai Andrei (VIII B):
I have a big luggage
I have much courage
I will make
a nice cake.
Popistan Nicoleta (VIIIB):
On the European Day of Languages
I'm gonna send two messages:
One to my mother,
And one to my father
That I'm gonna make
A delicious cake.
Cionc Alex (VII A):
It's hard to make a piece of cake
My shoes are fake, so they're on a lake
This day is cool
So enjoy it to the full.
Moldovan Bianca (VII A):
I want to talk
With my friend when I walk
I bought a lime
And I don't have time.
Marginean Nicoleta (VII A):
I want to talk
But I have to walk
Because I'm late
For my best date
I hope this time
My boyfriend won't give me a lime.
Taran Magda (VII A):
Is this a pear?
I put it on my chair.
It is very nice
But I need ice.
Boitor Bogdan (VII A):
I found a price
For some good rice
Is is very nice
With some more ice.
Cionc Alex (VII A):
It's hard to make a piece of cake
My shoes are fake, so they're on a lake
This day is cool
So enjoy it to the full.
Moldovan Bianca (VII A):
I want to talk
With my friend when I walk
I bought a lime
And I don't have time.
Marginean Nicoleta (VII A):
I want to talk
But I have to walk
Because I'm late
For my best date
I hope this time
My boyfriend won't give me a lime.
Taran Magda (VII A):
Is this a pear?
I put it on my chair.
It is very nice
But I need ice.
Boitor Bogdan (VII A):
I found a price
For some good rice
Is is very nice
With some more ice.