The 14th of February
Daca iti place de cineva din scoala noastra, ziua in care il sarbatorim pe Sfantul Valentin este cea mai potrivita pentru a-i arata acelei persoane ca e speciala. Scrie un biletel sau o scrisoare pentru ea/el si introdu mesajul in cutia cu scrisori pe care o gasesti la scoala, in apropierea salii profesorale, pana luni la ora 10 dimineata. Mesajul tau va fi „livrat” persoanei tale speciale in data de 14 februarie, de Sfantul Valentin, fara a fi citit.
If you like somebody in our school, Valentine’s day is the best day to show that person that she/he is special. Write a note or a letter for her/him and place it in the letter box that you will find at school, near the teacher’s room. Your message will be delivered to your special person on the 14th of February.
her a love letter which he signed : “FROM YOUR VALENTINE” an expression that is still in use today.
Today, many British people go to spend this day to a small village on Scotland’s border with England. The village, Gretna Green, has a romantic reputation since 1754, when in England it was forbidden to marry if you were under the age of 21. The village is in Scotland, where such marriages were allowed, so many English crossed the border. Those laws no longer apply, but people still go there and in that tiny village at least one couple gets married, on average, every day of the year. Weddings for the 14th of February have to be booked 3 months in advance.
Prof. Diana Pitea
Prof. Diana Pitea