duminică, 29 ianuarie 2012

“Doi romantici incurabili” la American Corner

Today, January 27th, our students led by teacher Diana Pitea, have participated to an activity at the American Corner in Targu Mures, dedicated to our Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu and to the American poetess Emily Dickinson, contemporary to Eminescu.
 The students recited poems in English and Romanian, as a contest with students from Tudor Vladimirescu Gymnasium, led by teacher Dana Raduly. At the end, the students had to compose some original poems which ended up to be very funny. Since it was a contest, the jury had to decide the winner; the students performed so well that this decision was too difficult, so the jury decided that all the contestants deserve the first prize.
Congratulations and we are looking forward to participate at the next activity organised by Mrs Alina Fokt at the American Corner.
prof.Diana Pitea

Elevii scolii noastre, indrumati de prof. Diana Pitea, au fost din nou “la inaltime”, de data aceasta la American Corner din cadrul Bibliotecii Judetene Mures, unde s-au intrecut cu cei de la Gimnaziul Tudor Vladimirescu, condusi de prof. Dana Raduly.
  Echipajul scolii noastre, format din eleva Lixandru Bianca (VIII A), si elevi din clasa a VII a A: Chiorean Tudor, Moldovan Bianca, Sabau Diana, Tarsoaga Madalina, Kioran Cosmin, Manolachi Rares si Toganel Theodor, au recitat poezii de Mihai Eminescu in limba engleza si romana, iar apoi au recitat si au comentat poezii la prima vedere scrise de Emily Dickinson (poeta americana contemporana cu Eminescu). Totul s-a terminat intr-un mod amuzant prin compunerea unor poezii originale (putin spus). Juriului i-a fost foarte greu sa decida, astfel incat toti participantii au primit premiul I.
         Felicitari si asteptam cu totii urmatoarea activitate  organizata de d-na Alina Fokt de la American Corner, fosta eleva a scolii noastre.