vineri, 27 ianuarie 2012

“Pen Pal Club” at School Number 2 / Pen Pal Club la Scoala Generala Nr. 2

School Number 2 has been invited- and wants to participate- to build a friendship bridge with Thompson Brook School from Avon , Connecticut , U.S.A, a school with Vth and VIth graders.
This partnership will begin in a short time- during this semester- and our students will have the possibility to write in English to students the same age as they are, from the United States, developing through this their vocabulary, their all-round education, and at the same time finding friends.
The programme is addressed to Vth, VIth and VIIth graders from our school and the ones that shall “break the ice” are our VIIth graders A and B.
Mihaela Fodor, (works for Youth Services in Avon)- who made this possible and we thank her – liked our school blog a lot.
During the next weeks, we will receive friendship letters to which I am convinced that many students from our school would love to answer.
Let’s not allow language to be an obstacle in finding real friends.
Below you can see some children from Thompson Brook School during  activities such as project making and a visit to a museum.
English teacher Diana Pitea

Scoala Generala Nr. 2 a fost invitata -si doreste- sa construiasca un pod de prietenie cu Thompson Brook School din Avon , Connecticut , U.S.A., o scoala cu elevi de clasele V-VI.
Parteneriatul va incepe in scurt timp- pe parcursul acestui semestru- iar elevii nostri vor avea posibilitatea sa corespondeze in limba engleza cu copii de aceeasi varsta din Statele Unite, dezvoltandu-si astfel atat vocabularul cat si cultura generala si totodata legand prietenii care pot fi durabile.
Programul se va adresa copiilor din clasele V-VII din scoala noastra, iar pentru inceput cei din clasele a VII a A si B vor “sparge gheata”.
D-nei coordonator de programe Mihaela Fodor (School Counselor in districtul Avon) - care a facut ca acest lucru sa fie posibil si ii multumim pe aceasta cale - i-a placut foarte mult si blogul scolii noastre. 
In urmatoarele saptamani vom primi invitatii de prietenie la care sunt convinsa ca multi elevi din scoala vor dori sa raspunda cu drag.
Haideti sa nu lasam limba sa fie un obstacol in calea unor posibile relatii de prietenie.
Mai sus ii puteti vedea pe cativa copii de la Thompson Brook School in timpul unor activitati de realizare de proiecte, si vizita la muzeu.
Prof. Diana Pitea