sâmbătă, 20 noiembrie 2010

The excursion

One weekend I went to the excursion with the class for two days. We started early in the morning. On the bus we sang a lot accompanied by different kinds of instruments.
            The first stage of our trip was visiting Nagyenyed, where we entered the famous boarding school and the court of the fortified medieval gothic church. After that we went to Gyulafehérvár, where there is an 800 years old cathedral, the only cathedral in our country as old, to have parts built in roman style. Inside the church are the tombs of the Hunyadi family. Then, still in Gyulafehérvár, we visited the world-famous and very valuable library, the Batthyaneum, where there are more than 55,000 volumes.
            Next came my favourite stage and this place I liked the best. We went to the Hunyadi Castle. By the time we arrived, the cash desk almost had closed and for this reason we had to hurry. The sight charmed us into the middle ages. In the castle we had a guide, who told us many interesting information about the castle and about
the Hunyadi family. Hunyadi János started to build the castle and his son, Hunyadi Mátyás continued. A thunderbolt blasted into the castle and the biggest part of it burnt down to ashes. The castle was rebuilt but the roof and with it the whole style a little bit changed. The inside is very big. There are a lot of side corridors, staircases and rooms. It looks like a labyrinth. Hunyadi Mátyás had had for example an own room where he lived, when he had visited the castle and the family had another room, where only a member of the family was allowed to use.
            When we left the castle time had passed and we had to go to the quarters, which were in Déva.
            The following day we visited the citadel of Déva and the cloister where orphan children live. Afterwards, after having a nice dinner at an inn in Torckó, we climbed up to the ruins of the citadel in Torckószentgyörgy. The ruins are on a hill very high up and by the time we toped the hill we had got tired. But however tired we might have been at the end, we enjoyed it and it was interesting.
            Finally we took off homeward bound. The day and the trip were over, but it was beautiful. I felt good.

Demeter Eszter